Thursday, October 15, 2015

We Had So Much Fun! Susan and Me in Chicago.

Last weekend, I met my good friend Susan Griffin in Chicago.  Susan and I have been friends since 1988 when I first came to University of Louisville and we had offices next door to one another.

We were only there a day and a half, but we had so much fun, it seemed longer.  Friday we ate at Eataly and then went to a movie, She let me pick (the selections were pretty limited) since I don't have as much chance to see movies here.  The choice was between Martian, Blood Mass and Sicario.  I chose Sicario since it had gotten SUCH great reviews.  Neither one of us really liked it at all, but we agreed at every point and thought the reviews weren't right.

The next day we had breakfast at Pain Quoitidian, then went to the Chicago Historical Society to see an exhibition of Vivian Maier's pictures of Chicago. We both thought the exhibition was oddly put together and not very well displayed.  But again, we were in perfect harmony.  We then shopped (mainly browsed) and went to a matinee at Steppenwolf, East of Eden.  We both liked it and thought the set was interesting but we didn't think the characters were very well developed.  Again, we were of one mind.  We had a great dinner at Chez Moi and the next morning went to the airport and said good-bye.

Susan and I seldom agree about EVERYTHING.  Indeed, part of our friendship is that we don't agree on all topics.  But we were so in synch last weekend, it made everything particularly splendid.  It is wonderful to have such a friendship.


1 comment :

  1. Old friends are always such a comfortable fit - I love them all.
