Thursday, May 26, 2016

We Have Moved!

Last post in the on-going saga of Debra and Tony and their search for somewhere for them and their books to settle in.  Last Thursday we closed on the house and moved our furniture to 1400 Willow.  Our email addresses and cell phone numbers are the same, but the 456-1865 number is defunct.  (if you need new phone numbers, send me an email.) One of the happy consequences of this move is that we have severed our connections with Time Warner!

We are almost (superficially) settled in and will leave for the Lake next Tuesday, arriving Thursday June 2, at which point I hope to resume my regular blogging life!

We are happy to be where we are and where we will be, but we are EXHAUSTED.  Moving is not for the old or weak!

Celebratory champagne and caviar at our new home!
